Basic Training Owners Classes
Class Times Vary
These classes are designed to familiarize you with your sewing machine. Whether you are sewing clothes, quilts, or crafts, you need to know the features & proper way to use your machine. There is Not a Class Fee to SME Owners*.
Everyone needs to purchase a kit. You may take one class or the series, but Pre-Training & Class I are required to attend any of the other classes. Most of the 'scheduled' techniques to be taught in each class are listed.
The Times/Dates/Techniques may change to accommodate students/teacher/weather.
Pre-Training is a One-on-One class that includes some basics of your machine: Threading, Winding Bobbin, etc.
Class I Review of Pre-training, Threads, Needles, Cleaning, Overview of Feet, Needle Positions, Test Sew; including Zig-Zag & Decorative Stitches No Kit
Class II Kit $
Class III Kit $
Basic Training Embroidery
Embroidery Machine Owners Threads, Stabilizers, Hoops, + Sewing/Saving a Design Kit $10*
Click HERE for Supply List
These are approximate times, dates & Scheduled techniques. Depending on the number of students, classes may vary.
See store for details